Rendang is an Indonesian spicy meat dish originating from the Minangkabau region in West Sumatra, Indonesia. It has spread across Indonesia to the cuisines of neighbouring Southeast Asian countries. Rendang is piece of meat — most commonly beef — slow cooked and braised in coconut milk and spice mixture, well until the liquids evaporate and the meat turns dark brown, tender, caramelized.
Origins of Rendang The minangkabau rendang (minangkabau is the region in sumatra where this dish come from) tends to be dry with all the liquid evaporated in the slow cooking.
The meat is very dark almost black.
Attempting Rendang was a risky being universally known as difficult to achieve authentic results.
Kamu dapat memasak Rendang dengan 15 bahan and 4 langkah mudah. Yuks simak penjelasan berikut ini :
Bahan yang perlu disiapkan untuk Rendang
- 1/2 kg daging sapi.
- 1 butir kelapa parut (santan cair dan kental dipisahkan).
- 3 lembar daun salam.
- 4 lembar daun jeruk.
- 2 ruas sereh.
- 1 ruas lengkuas di geprek.
- secukupnya Gula merah.
- 1. Bumbu yang dihaluskan :.
- 1 ruas jahe.
- 25 siung bawang merah.
- 15 siung bawang putih.
- 30 buah cabai rawit.
- 10 buah cabai merah besar.
- 3 buah kemiri.
- secukupnya Garam.
I used real cocoanuts smashing them and then grating the white flesh remembering once being told that the secret of Rendang lies in the cocoanut. Beef Rendang is a flavorful West Sumatran dry curry that's made with beef, that's cooked together with a spice paste and coconut milk until fork-tender. It's then fried together with the remaining braising liquid until the liquid caramelizes around the beef, coating it with an insane amount of flavor. Beef Rendang is a Malaysian curry and is considered by many to be the king of all curries!
Langkah langkah memasak Rendang
- Haluskan dengan blender bumbu no 1 sekalian tambahi garam, gula pasir dan minyak goreng (1 sendok).
- Masukan daging sapi, daun salam, daun jeruk, sereh dan lengkuas yang di geprek, bumbu halus dan santan cair (500 ml) kedalam wajan tanpa minyak kemudian aduk sampai air menyusut.
- Masukan santan kental sambil diaduk terus sampai kering. Sesuai selera mau rendang basah apa kering. Aku suka yang basah. Sajikan pake ketupat...
- Oiya daging sapinya itu aku rebus dulu sebelumnya pake metode 5 menit di rebus, 30 menit didiamkan (panci ditutup rapat dan jangan dibuka tutup), 7 menit direbus lagi dan hasilnya beneran empuk banget.. Selamat mencoba semua 💙.
To say it's extravagantly delicious is an understatement.
There are very few curries in this world with such amazingly complex flavours.
Originally from Indonesia though now more well known as a Malaysia curry, the sauce is made with aromatic spices like cinnamon, cardamom and.
Rendang sapi Padang - Indonesian beef rendang, Padang style.
Which beef cut is suitable for beef rendang?